Peer & Self-Assessments in PBL

Peer and self-assessment are important parts of the project-based learning process. Rather than simply assessing what students learned during or after instruction, assessment may also be used AS a means for learning. Consider the famous quote from John Dewey: “We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.” During the process of… Read More Peer & Self-Assessments in PBL

PBL Debriefing

One of the great attributes of the project-based learning model is the opportunity educators have to “live” PBL in front of their students. This is particularly true as the project comes to an end in the classroom. Now it’s time to reflect upon the project itself!  How did it go? Did you and your students… Read More PBL Debriefing

Adapting Into the Role of as Facilitator

Will my role in the teaching/learning process change? Project-Based Learning is student-centered.  Rather than instruction from a teacher lecturing and sharing knowledge with the whole classroom (often referred to as the “sage on the stage“), students learn from exploring information, solving problems, and creating products. Teachers become facilitators by coaching and providing support and scaffolding… Read More Adapting Into the Role of as Facilitator

Effective Assessments in PBL

Effective assessments, according to data from “What Kids Can Do,” are for students, faithful to the work students actually do, public, and promotes ongoing self-reflection and critical inquiry. Reflection and self-evaluation of the planned assessments for my EDTECH 542 project “Campus Beautification Project” appear to be on the right track. For quality one, assessments for… Read More Effective Assessments in PBL

Question: Is it still PBL without an authentic audience?

Honestly, my first reaction to this question was a frown and discouragement. How can every project have an “authentic audience?”  Are simulations not project-based learning? Will my NASA project require me to find an astronaut or rocket scientist? A quick Google search did not provide much relief from my first reactions. Overwhelmingly, the answer to… Read More Question: Is it still PBL without an authentic audience?

What are the current and potential issues surrounding the use of Project Based Learning in traditional or nontraditional schools?

What do the numbers say? How many K-12 teachers/students/schools/programs are involved in the move toward PBL? The actual “numbers” are difficult to find beyond the occasional article that claims the number of teachers or schools using PBL is growing.  Educational foundations such as Edutopia and the Buck Institute for Education (BIE) offer a plethora of… Read More What are the current and potential issues surrounding the use of Project Based Learning in traditional or nontraditional schools?

Tech Trends in Education

According to the New Media Consortium’s Horizon Report, one solvable challenge to educational technology adoption in the classroom is personalized learning implementation (The New Media Consortium [NMC], 2014).  According to the article, this problem is considered solvable because technology is already available to address the issue. This idea of using technology to tailor instruction and… Read More Tech Trends in Education